Sunday, 20 September 2015

Back to the Grind

The family at Lake O'Hara last year.
Hello all!!!  Well life has gotten back to normal again as I’ve been back to work for three weeks now and Shan just did her first three days at work last week.  The kids have been back for almost two weeks now and we’re back into the swing of things with activities and playing. 

Our man's best friend, Ellie.
Shan and I have been talking a bit and thought it would be cool to show all those people that we got to share experiences with over our travels, where we come from.  So after sorting through a few photos, this is Revelstoke, where we work and play.

To all of you that opened your home, shared experiences or bumped into us along the way, please come and visit, it would be great to see you again!!!
Our home in the fall.

Our home in winter, yes we love snow!

Skiing on the local hill.

Tobogganing in the evening.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there! Glad to hear everyone is settling back in. Us too. We made note of week 8, the week I was back to work just as long as we were gone. Now we are approaching Thanksgiving and even beginning to think about Christmas. We still hope make it up your way some day. One question for you...what was the name of that town you mentioned in Mexico? Take care and hello to all.
