Monday 11 May 2015

First try on the packing front!

With officially 17 days
to go we thought we'd try to see just how much room there is in our new packs.  We've got the list down pretty tight but the girls thought we should test the limits.  So for the first run I think we did pretty well....everything fit!  Not sure if we have everything but there is still a bit of room for most of us at least.  Think Shannon might have some reorganizing to do.  So the girls are getting their first dose of packing which will be followed by unpacking and then packing again.  They
haven't experienced the joys of living out of a backpack for 3 months!!!  They should be pretty proficient at it by August.

I'm sure the next two weeks will fly by but its feeling pretty relaxed at the moment.  Think we've got everything we need; Passports, check, flights, check, travel insurance, check.  I'm sure there's something we've overlooked but we'll deal with that when it comes up. 

Until then, lookout Iceland, here we come!

1 comment:

  1. OMG So excited to read through the blog and take this journey with you all! Thanks so much for sharing this! xoxox Ging
