Friday 14 August 2015

Travelling to Victoria Falls

Today was another early day as breakfast was at 5:15 am.  For some reason I woke up at 2:30 am and could not go back to sleep so I read until it was time to get ready.  We had a fair bit of ground to cover so we spent a lot of time driving in the truck today. By the afternoon it was starting to get warm and I was getting really tired but could not fall
Muma Flow with the group.
asleep.  After a few more hours we made it to Victoria Falls which seems to be a hub for activities.  When we arrived we were taken to a place where they explained the different activities to everyone and provided us with a price sheet.  Everything was in American dollars and not cheap.  By this time we were all hot, tired and hungry so making decisions was not easy.  We went to find a place to sit down and have a drink before we made any final decisions.  We
Alyssa and Amelia with Jacob.
all had an idea of what we should do but unfortunately they were not lining up so some creative thinking had to come into play.  In the end we decided that Kevin would do the all day river rafting the first day while I went for a massage in the morning and then the girls and I would go on the canopy tour in the afternoon.  The following day Alyssa and Kevin would take part in the Horse Safari while Jenna and I would go on an elephant ride.  The morning was to be spent at the falls.  Once the decisions had been made we all felt a little better but I am not sure about our bank account.
Jenna and Alyssa with the guys.

Sebastian with the dancers.
After setting up our tent and relaxing we were privileged to have our driver, Jacob and his dance & singing group entertain us right at our campsite.  They were really good!  They had one person drum while they harmonized and their dancing was very energetic Alyssa was pulled up to join in at one point and it was fun watching her and others try to replicate their dance moves.  Seeing the performance really made you feel you were in Africa.  The kids were pretty ramped up after the entertainment and were dancing around, playing ball and just being kids.  It was great watching them being silly and having a lot of fun!
Just a little pumped up!

Tonight we all went for a group dinner at a restaurant as half of the group would be leaving us the next day.  It was nice to have everyone together and the food was good.  We were pretty lucky to have some many diverse people get along so well and we all had so much fun.  We can only hope our new participates are as good spirited and not turned off by a bunch of kids.  The adventure continues....!

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