Sunday 7 June 2015

Off to London

Our accommodation in London with |Jen and her family!
Unfortunately we all knew that there was going to be the day that we parted ways with Rich.  It was a blast hanging out with Rich and my stomach is still sore from laughing so much.  We knew him pretty well before but know him so much better now.  If you want to get to know someone, road trip with them for 5 days and you will definitely do that.  The crazy thing is that Rich was travelling with our whole family and he was just that, part of the family.  We didn’t even have to split up fights between him and the girls!

So we left the great little hostel in Trefin, The Old School House and headed south then east.  We managed to stop off for lunch where Rich went to university in this hopping little beach city of Swansea.  We went for a walk down by the ocean and had one of our shopping bag lunches right next to the water.  Another beautiful day.  We dropped Rich off in the next city at the train station and continued on toward London.

The drive in was a lot less hectic than I was anticipating and all I could think of was “please get this car back with no scratches on it”. 
My little sports car, gotta get one of these.
It was a pretty straight route into Jen’s place who was very nice to open her beautiful home to us for a few days in London.  After a few wrong turns, a couple of phone calls and stopping a handful of people with my laptop on the roof of the car, we found our way.  Dropped off our stuff at Jen’s and figured now would be the day to drop the car off as I couldn’t face Monday morning traffic in London.  Drove right along Hyde Park, hit a gas station and with Jenna as the co-pilot we found our way to the Hertz drop off!  Not even a scratch!!!  I think the car rental guy thought I was a little squirrely when I jumped out of the car and shouted “wahoo, made it!!!”  Man those English are crazy drivers. 
Some of the narrow streets in Wales. You've got to back up to a wide spot if you meet anyone.

That car was awesome (Some Toyota 7 seater, diesel, 7 speed manual and man it was good on gas).  Every time you got to a stop light if you put it in neutral and let out the clutch it would stop the engine and as soon as you put the clutch back in it would start up again.  Would love a have a vehicle like that back in Revy.  Anyways, I digress.

We had a beautiful walk home along Hyde Park and found a local pub for dinner as we really didn’t feel like cooking.  I had the local fish and chips finally! And the kids even found something they’d like.  We’ve got to get Shannon off the Italian food as she’s going to be sick of it before we actually have real Italian food!  Little stroll back to the house for a mellow, early night.  I’ve got the feeling I’m going to like London!  Not the words I thought would be coming out of my mouth!  Tomorrow the exploration begins.
The classic red phone booths in London.


  1. Hi Everyone. I'm so envious!, You are having the most fantastic holiday!!! We are reading all the blogs with interest and enjoying your fun. Hope London is as much fun (although in a different way) as you have been enjoying. Enjoy. Mom and Dad/ Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Ahhhh!! What fun and what an adventure!! Loved London while there and know you will too!!

    Shannon. The gardens are so pretty!!!!
    Kevin. The beer is so yummy!!
    Jenna. The castles are amazing!!
    Alyssa. The street performers are awesome!!

    Keep having fun and keep on doing the posts!!
