Saturday 6 June 2015

Surf and Turf

 Well today started off good as was the rest of the day. I got to sleep in, which, thank god for holidays. When I woke up mom brought me warm hot chocolate and cereal that the hostel supplies. After the lazy start of the morning we got in the car and drove to St David’s which was only a 15 minute drive and that was a nice change from all our other days. You wouldn’t believe how skinny the streets are and how close the houses are to the roads. Some of the houses you would have to be careful where you step out of the door otherwise you’d be run over.
Old church and house right next to the street.  Other houses are even closer to the street if you believe that!

First when we got to St David’s we went to an amazing cathedral! The date that they had started building the cathedral was dated in the 1100’s. It was spectacular to see all the architecture, it felt like you were back in the medieval times.

St. David's Cathedral.  With some photo shopping it could be a medieval shot with cows and all.  Rob might need your help on that one!
Alyssa is capturing some pretty cool shots.
Later we decided to take a walk around town,
Tombstone from 900 AD!
there are lots of really cute stores there... wish I had more money to spend! All the houses and buildings look really cool as well. We saw an ice cream truck go buy but we didn’t get any ice cream since Rich could not catch up to it. It was okay though since we found an ice cream shop not far away, we got a 99 which is soft serve ice cream with raspberry sauce and a chocolate stick looking thing in the top. It was apparently traditional English so Rich insisted we try it, it tasted very good so it was worth it.

After walking around down town for a while we went to Whitesand Beach which was absolutely beautiful. There was some pretty good surf also! Rich and I decided to try and go surfing so we rented some wetsuits and surfboards and headed out to the ocean. I forgot how salty it was and how much it stung your eyes, nose and throat. Meanwhile sis was trying to fly a kite which was working for a while and then got it completely tangled which ended in mom and dad spending probably a good  45 minutes untangling string... While they were doing that sis decided it was a good idea to try and bury Rich in  sand, she was quite entertained. After Rich was out of the sand and the kite was untangled we headed back to the hostel for our last night here. We cooked dinner back at the hostel, had a chill night and got some sleep.
Trying to untangle the kite... no problem once we figured out how to play the wind.
Alyssa doing a handstand on Rich's when he was defenseless.
Jenna catching her wave with Rich applauding.

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